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Vessel Data and Contact Information for the
Kaiun Maru

Last Updated -
Main Activities
Capacities & Workspaces
Range, Speed, Endurance
DP Equipment
CTD Specs
Coring Specs
Underwater Vehicles
Diving Capabilities
Engineering Design
Navigation & Communications
Acoustics & Profiling
Winches, Gantries & Cranes
Country: Japan

NODC Code:

    Call Sign: Unknown
Operator: Aomori Fisheries Experimental Station
Address: Aomori Fisheries Experimental Station
Major Section Akaishi, Minor Section owada
Ajigasawa Machi 038-27 Japan
Telephone: 01737 2-2171
Fax: 01737 2-2778
Year Built: 1973
Ship URL: Unknown

Ship Schedule URL:


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Main Dimensions

  Length OA: 44.8  m
  Breadth: 8.4  m
  Freeboard to working deck: 2.2  m
  Max. draft: 3.35  m

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Main Vessel Activity

  Main Activity: Oceanography Fisheries
  Operating Area:
  Navy Grids Supported:

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Capacities and Working Spaces

  Gross tonnage: 300  GRT
  Dry cargo holds: Unknown
  Fuel: 221  m3
  Wet Labs Area: Unknown
  Dry Lab Area: Unknown
  Fresh Water
 Storage Capacity:
  Fresh Water Generator Capacity: 3  m3/day
  Scientific Clean Water Generation: Unknown
  Free Working Deck Area: Unknown
  Space for container lab: Unknown
  Radioactive Isotope Work Areas: Unknown

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Range, Speed and Endurance

  Range: 5000  nautical miles
  Cruising Speed: 11  kts.
  Max. Speed: 13.3  kts.
  Endurance: Unknown

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  Officers: 9
  Other crew: 15
  Scientists: 2
  Air Conditioned:  Yes

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Data Processing Equipment:

  Computers: Unknown
  Printing/Plotting: Unknown

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CTD Specifications:

  CTD Aboard: Unknown
  CTD Type: Unknown
  CTD Tow able: Unknown
  CTD Oxygen Sensing: Unknown
  CTD Transmissivity: Unknown
  CTD Fluormeter: Unknown
  CTD Rosette: Unknown

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Coring Specifications:

  Coring Capabilities Aboard: Unknown
  Grab Sampler: Unknown
  Box Corer: Unknown
  Gravity Corer: Unknown
  Piston Corer: Unknown
  Multi Corer: Unknown

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Underwater Vehicle Capabilities:

  Underwater Vehicle Support: Unknown
  ROVs: Unknown
  AUVs: Unknown
  Submersibles: Unknown

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Diving Support:

  Diving Capabilities: Unknown

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Engineering Design Particulars


Ice Breaking Ability:


Hull Materials:

  Dynamic Positioning Ability: Unknown
  Engines: Main engine(s): number:  1   make:  Diesel
Power (BHP) each engine:  770 at 720rpm
Propeller Diameter:  Unknown
  m Max. RPM:   Unknown
Total power auxiliary diesels:  Unknown
  Electrical Systems:  


 Voltages: 0/225
     kVA: 300
    Phases: Unknown


50  Hz

Stabilized System:  Unknown  VAC  Unknown  AMPs   Unknown  Hz



  Unknown   Volts with  Unknown  Volts Max


Fixed Equipment

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Navigation and Communication:

  Navigational Equipment: Radar Loran Decca SatNav Gyro
  Communications Equipment: Fax
  Satellite Communications Equipment: Unknown
  GPS: Unknown

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Acoustics and Profiling:

  Echosounders: Unknown
  Sonar Type: Fisheries
  Sea Surface Mapping System: Unknown
  Side Scanning: Unknown
  Multibeam: Unknown
  Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler: Unknown
  Silent Ship Operations: Unknown

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  Winches: 1  
    Steel Wire Length: 3000  m,  safe working load:  Unknown
    Conducting Cable Length:  Unknown , safe working load:  Unknown
    Trawl winch length:  500  m , safe working load:  Unknown
    Other Winches:
      Length:  Unknown , safe working load:  Unknown
  Gantry: Position: Stern, Midships

Clearance above deck:  Unknown , and outboard extension:  Unknown


Safe working load at maximum reach:  Unknown

  Crane: Position: Unknown

Clearance above deck:  Unknown  and outboard extension:  Unknown


Safe working load at maximum reach:  Unknown

  Other:   Unknown

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Vessel Construction and Maintenance Supervision

  Construction Supervised by: Unknown
  Classification Society: Unknown
  Others, Specify: Aomori Prefecture
OCEANIC - Ships Schedules & Information Pages
University of Delaware, College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment
Lewes, Delaware  19958
Phone:  (302) 645-4225