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Research Vessel SWATH/Multibeam Specifications

Search Results: 95 Entries Found
Field Key
Ship Name Operator SWATH
Aegaeo Greek NCMR
Amundsen (CCGS) Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
Aranda VG-shipping
Atlantis Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
Seabeam SB2112 @ 12kHz 120deg swath
Simrad MS70
Belgica Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Model
Kongsberg Simrad EM1002
Blue Heron Large Lakes Observatory
Reson SeaBat Model 8101 @ 240 kHz w/ 150deg swath
Bowditch (USNS) Military Sealift Command Pacific
(SIMRAD Inc. EM121A) is a 12 kHz, 121 beam
CEFAS Endeavour Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS)
EM3000 swathe bathymetry sounder
Celtic Explorer Marine Institute / Ocean Science Services
Kongsbert EM302
Celtic Voyager Marine Institute / Ocean Science Services
Cesme Department of the Hydrography, Oceanography and Navigation
Charles Darwin NERC Research Ship Unit
Simrad EM12
Coastal Surveyor University of New Hampshire Marine Program
Beaufort 6;SS3
Simrad EK60MK1 30, 120 & 200kHz
Cubuklu Department of the Hydrography, Oceanography and Navigation
Dallaporta ISMAR-CNR Sezione Pesca Marittima
Deneb Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing
Derek M. Baylis SeaLife Conservation
Sonar Pole Equipped
Echo (HMS) Vosper Thornycroft (UK) Ltd (VT)
Simrad EM 1002
Eeva Ecometria
Seabat Reson 2160 50 Khz. Simrad EM3000D 3000 Khz
Endurance (HMS) Hydrographic Surveying Squadron, MoD
Enterprise (HMS) Vosper Thornycroft (UK) Ltd (VT)
Simrad EM 1002
Fairweather NOAA Marine and Aviation Operations
Falkor Schmidt Ocean Institute
KONGSBERG EM710 Multi Beam = 72-100 kHz KONGSBERG EM302 Multi Beam = 26-32 kHz
Frederick G. Creed (CCGS) Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Simrad EM 1000
G. O. Sars Institute of Marine Research
Simrad EM1002, EM300 and Topas PS018 Parametric sub.bottom profiler
Geomari Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)
Atlas FS20
Gleaner MoD, Hydrographic Surveying Squadron
Atlas Fansweep 20 Multibeam Echo Sounder
Hakon Mosby Geophysical Institute of the University of Bergen and Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
Yes, Geopulse 3,7 kHz penetration profiler
Hamashio 3rd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters
RESON SEABAT 8101: 210kHz
Healy U.S. Coast Guard
Kongsberg EM-122 @ 12kHz w/ 150deg swath
Hugh R. Sharp University of Delaware College of Earth, Ocean and Environment
Reson SeaBat Model 8101 @ 240 kHz w/ 150deg swath
Imor Maritime Institute, Gdansk
SeaBead 8101
Isoshio 10th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters
RESON SEABAT 8101: 210kHz, 150°swath
Jan Mayen Univeristy of Tromso/Norwegian College of Fisheries Science
Simrad EM 300
Janus Comex S.A.
RESON 8101 multi-beam echo-sounder
Jimbei Unknown
John McDonnell (USNS) Military Sealift Command Atlantic
Kaimikai-o-Kanalao University of Hawaii
SeaBeam SB3012 @ 12kHz w/ 140deg swath
Kaiyo Hydropraphic and Oceanographic Department, JCG
Narrow multi-beam echo sounder
Kilo Moana University of Hawaii
Kongsberg EM1002 @ 95kHz w/ 150deg swath , Kongsberg EM122 @ 12kHz w/ 150deg swath
Knorr Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
Seabeam SB3012-P1 @ 12kHz w/ 120deg swath
Kurushima 6th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters
Multi-beam echo sounder (Seabat 8101)
L'Atalante Genavir
Multibeam echosounder dual EM12 Simrad
Laurence M. Gould Raytheon Polar Services Company
Le Suroit Genavir
EM 300 Simrad (30KHZ) EM 1000 Simrad (95 KHZ)
Leonardo NATO SACLANT Undersea Research Centre
EM3000 (moonpool)
Mare Nigrum Geo Ecomar Bucharest
Elac Nautik Seabeam 1050D; 50kHz, 180kHz
Mary Sear (USNS) Military Sealift Command Atlantic
(SIMRAD Inc. EM121A) is a 12 kHz, 121 beam
Matthew (CCGS) Bedford Institute of Oceanography (Bio)
Meiyo Japan Coast Guard
Narrow multi-beam echo sounder
Melville Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)
Kongsberg EM-122 @ 12kHz w/ 120deg swath
Minibex Comex S.A.
RESON 8101 (option only)
Mirai Nippon Marine Enterprises, Ltd
Multi narrow-beam sounder
Nathaniel B. Palmer Raytheon Polar Services Company
Kongsberg EM120 @ 12 kHz w/ 120deg swath
Nawigator XXI Maritime University of Szczecin
NRP "D. Carlos I" Instituto Hidrográfico
Odyssey (WCI) Ocean Alliance & Whale Conservation Institute
Furano CH 12 multibeam scanning sonar
Okeanos Explorer National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Kongsberg EM-302
Onnuri korean Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI)
Seabean 2000
Outer Limits M/V Outer Limits, Inc.
Hull mounts and side mounts available for tranducers
Professor Logachev Polar Marine Geosurvey Expedition
Simrad EM12S
Quest Defence R and D Canada - Atlantic
Various - Klein 5000,
R. B. Young (CCGS) Fisheries and Oceans Canada Communications Branch
Simrad EM1002
Rainier NOAA Marine and Aviation Operations
Roger Revelle Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)
Kongsberg EM122 @ 12kHz w/ 120° swath-width to 4500 m depth, reducing to 90° at depths of 11 km, providing bathymetry and sidescan imagery
Ronald H. Brown NOAA's Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO)
Kongsberg EM-122 @ 12kHz w/ 150deg swath
Rude NOAA, Atlantic Marine Center
Reson SEABAT 9003 Shallow Water Multi-Beam Sonar
Sagar Kanya National Centre for Antarctic & Ocean Research (NCAOR)
Swath Bathymetric System
Sagar Paschimi National Institute of Ocean Technology
yes reson
Sagar Purvi National Institute of Ocean Technology
Scott (HMS) Hydrographic Surveying Squadron, MoD
Seawolf Marine Sciences Research Center, SUNY Stony Brook
Simrad EM 3000
Shoyo Hydropraphic and Oceanographic Department, JCG
Narrow Multibeam Echo Sounder
Sirius Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation (DHN)
EM302 (planned for 2007)
Sonne RF Reedereigemeinschaft Forschungsschiffahrt GmbH
Bathymetric multi-beam-sonar system for shallow
Survex 1 SMF Europe
SeaBat 8101 240kHz
Takuyo Hydropraphic and Oceanographic Department, JCG
Narrow multi-beam echo sounder
Tangaroa NIWA Vessel Management Limited
Simrad EM300 (30kHz) with velocity profiler & TSS POS/MV motion sensor
Tecnopesca I ISMAR- Sezione Pesca Maritima
Ten'yo Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department, JCG
Narrow multi-beam echo sounder
Ter Streep Flemish Maritime and Waterways Administration
Simrad EM950 (95kc)
Thomas G. Thompson School of Oceanography, University of Washington
Kongsberg EM-302 @ 30kHz w/ 150deg swath
Thomas Jefferson NOAA
Simrad EM-1002 Multibeam Sonar, RESON 8101 multibeam Sonar,
Thuwal Coastal and Marine Resources Core Laboratory
Kongsbert EM 710
Trer MarTech SRL
Reson 8125
Triton Gardline Geosurvey Limited
Kongsberg Simrad EM1002
Universitaties CoNISMa - Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare
Reson sea beat 8160
Urania SO.PRO.MAR. Spa
RESON 8160 multibeam survey
Urashima (AUV) JAMSTEC, Mutsu Institute for Oceanography
Multi Sea Beam,
Uzushio 5th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters
SEABAT 8101, 240 kHz
Wega Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing
Simrad EM 3000
White Holly Seamen's Training Center Western United States Inc.
Dual frequency Deepwater Multibeam echo sounder (MBES)
Yuzhmorgeologiya AquaGeo Projects Ltd
Simrad EM12S, EM 3000D
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