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Research Vessel SWATH/Multibeam Specifications |
Search Results: 95 Entries Found | ||||
Field Key | ||||
Ship Name | Operator | SWATH | ||
Aegaeo | Greek NCMR |
Amundsen (CCGS) | Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) |
Aranda | VG-shipping |
Atlantis | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) |
Seabeam SB2112 @ 12kHz 120deg swath
BAIA FARTA | Unknown |
Simrad MS70
Belgica | Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Model |
Kongsberg Simrad EM1002
Blue Heron | Large Lakes Observatory |
Reson SeaBat Model 8101 @ 240 kHz w/ 150deg swath
Bowditch (USNS) | Military Sealift Command Pacific |
(SIMRAD Inc. EM121A) is a 12 kHz, 121 beam
CEFAS Endeavour | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) |
EM3000 swathe bathymetry sounder
Celtic Explorer | Marine Institute / Ocean Science Services |
Kongsbert EM302
Celtic Voyager | Marine Institute / Ocean Science Services |
Cesme | Department of the Hydrography, Oceanography and Navigation |
Charles Darwin | NERC Research Ship Unit |
Simrad EM12
Coastal Surveyor | University of New Hampshire Marine Program |
Beaufort 6;SS3
Coriollis II | REFORMAR |
Simrad EK60MK1 30, 120 & 200kHz
Cubuklu | Department of the Hydrography, Oceanography and Navigation |
Dallaporta | ISMAR-CNR Sezione Pesca Marittima |
Deneb | Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing |
Derek M. Baylis | SeaLife Conservation |
Sonar Pole Equipped
Echo (HMS) | Vosper Thornycroft (UK) Ltd (VT) |
Simrad EM 1002
Eeva | Ecometria |
Seabat Reson 2160 50 Khz. Simrad EM3000D 3000 Khz
Endurance (HMS) | Hydrographic Surveying Squadron, MoD |
Enterprise (HMS) | Vosper Thornycroft (UK) Ltd (VT) |
Simrad EM 1002
Fairweather | NOAA Marine and Aviation Operations |
Falkor | Schmidt Ocean Institute |
KONGSBERG EM710 Multi Beam = 72-100 kHz KONGSBERG EM302 Multi Beam = 26-32 kHz
Frederick G. Creed (CCGS) | Fisheries and Oceans Canada |
Simrad EM 1000
G. O. Sars | Institute of Marine Research |
Simrad EM1002, EM300 and Topas PS018 Parametric sub.bottom profiler
Geomari | Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) |
Atlas FS20
Gleaner | MoD, Hydrographic Surveying Squadron |
Atlas Fansweep 20 Multibeam Echo Sounder
Hakon Mosby | Geophysical Institute of the University of Bergen and Institute of Marine Research (IMR) |
Yes, Geopulse 3,7 kHz penetration profiler
Hamashio | 3rd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters |
RESON SEABAT 8101: 210kHz
Healy | U.S. Coast Guard |
Kongsberg EM-122 @ 12kHz w/ 150deg swath
Hugh R. Sharp | University of Delaware College of Earth, Ocean and Environment |
Reson SeaBat Model 8101 @ 240 kHz w/ 150deg swath
Imor | Maritime Institute, Gdansk |
SeaBead 8101
Isoshio | 10th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters |
RESON SEABAT 8101: 210kHz, 150°swath
Jan Mayen | Univeristy of Tromso/Norwegian College of Fisheries Science |
Simrad EM 300
Janus | Comex S.A. |
RESON 8101 multi-beam echo-sounder
Jimbei | Unknown |
John McDonnell (USNS) | Military Sealift Command Atlantic |
Kaimikai-o-Kanalao | University of Hawaii |
SeaBeam SB3012 @ 12kHz w/ 140deg swath
Kaiyo | Hydropraphic and Oceanographic Department, JCG |
Narrow multi-beam echo sounder
Kilo Moana | University of Hawaii |
Kongsberg EM1002 @ 95kHz w/ 150deg swath , Kongsberg EM122 @ 12kHz w/ 150deg swath
Knorr | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) |
Seabeam SB3012-P1 @ 12kHz w/ 120deg swath
Kurushima | 6th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters |
Multi-beam echo sounder (Seabat 8101)
L'Atalante | Genavir |
Multibeam echosounder dual EM12 Simrad
Laurence M. Gould | Raytheon Polar Services Company |
Le Suroit | Genavir |
EM 300 Simrad (30KHZ) EM 1000 Simrad (95 KHZ)
Leonardo | NATO SACLANT Undersea Research Centre |
EM3000 (moonpool)
Mare Nigrum | Geo Ecomar Bucharest |
Elac Nautik Seabeam 1050D; 50kHz, 180kHz
Mary Sear (USNS) | Military Sealift Command Atlantic |
(SIMRAD Inc. EM121A) is a 12 kHz, 121 beam
Matthew (CCGS) | Bedford Institute of Oceanography (Bio) |
Meiyo | Japan Coast Guard |
Narrow multi-beam echo sounder
Melville | Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) |
Kongsberg EM-122 @ 12kHz w/ 120deg swath
Minibex | Comex S.A. |
RESON 8101 (option only)
Mirai | Nippon Marine Enterprises, Ltd |
Multi narrow-beam sounder
Nathaniel B. Palmer | Raytheon Polar Services Company |
Kongsberg EM120 @ 12 kHz w/ 120deg swath
Nawigator XXI | Maritime University of Szczecin |
NRP "D. Carlos I" | Instituto Hidrográfico |
Odyssey (WCI) | Ocean Alliance & Whale Conservation Institute |
Furano CH 12 multibeam scanning sonar
Okeanos Explorer | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
Kongsberg EM-302
Onnuri | korean Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI) |
Seabean 2000
Outer Limits | M/V Outer Limits, Inc. |
Hull mounts and side mounts available for tranducers
Professor Logachev | Polar Marine Geosurvey Expedition |
Simrad EM12S
Quest | Defence R and D Canada - Atlantic |
Various - Klein 5000,
R. B. Young (CCGS) | Fisheries and Oceans Canada Communications Branch |
Simrad EM1002
Rainier | NOAA Marine and Aviation Operations |
Roger Revelle | Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) |
Kongsberg EM122 @ 12kHz w/ 120° swath-width to 4500 m depth, reducing to 90° at depths of 11 km, providing bathymetry and sidescan imagery
Ronald H. Brown | NOAA's Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) |
Kongsberg EM-122 @ 12kHz w/ 150deg swath
Rude | NOAA, Atlantic Marine Center |
Reson SEABAT 9003 Shallow Water Multi-Beam Sonar
Sagar Kanya | National Centre for Antarctic & Ocean Research (NCAOR) |
Swath Bathymetric System
Sagar Paschimi | National Institute of Ocean Technology |
yes reson
Sagar Purvi | National Institute of Ocean Technology |
Scott (HMS) | Hydrographic Surveying Squadron, MoD |
Seawolf | Marine Sciences Research Center, SUNY Stony Brook |
Simrad EM 3000
Shoyo | Hydropraphic and Oceanographic Department, JCG |
Narrow Multibeam Echo Sounder
Sirius | Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation (DHN) |
EM302 (planned for 2007)
Sonne | RF Reedereigemeinschaft Forschungsschiffahrt GmbH |
Bathymetric multi-beam-sonar system for shallow
Survex 1 | SMF Europe |
SeaBat 8101 240kHz
Takuyo | Hydropraphic and Oceanographic Department, JCG |
Narrow multi-beam echo sounder
Tangaroa | NIWA Vessel Management Limited |
Simrad EM300 (30kHz) with velocity profiler & TSS POS/MV motion sensor
Tecnopesca I | ISMAR- Sezione Pesca Maritima |
Ten'yo | Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department, JCG |
Narrow multi-beam echo sounder
Ter Streep | Flemish Maritime and Waterways Administration |
Simrad EM950 (95kc)
Thomas G. Thompson | School of Oceanography, University of Washington |
Kongsberg EM-302 @ 30kHz w/ 150deg swath
Thomas Jefferson | NOAA |
Simrad EM-1002 Multibeam Sonar, RESON 8101 multibeam Sonar,
Thuwal | Coastal and Marine Resources Core Laboratory |
Kongsbert EM 710
Trer | MarTech SRL |
Reson 8125
Triton | Gardline Geosurvey Limited |
Kongsberg Simrad EM1002
Universitaties | CoNISMa - Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare |
Reson sea beat 8160
Urania | SO.PRO.MAR. Spa |
RESON 8160 multibeam survey
Urashima (AUV) | JAMSTEC, Mutsu Institute for Oceanography |
Multi Sea Beam,
Uzushio | 5th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters |
SEABAT 8101, 240 kHz
Wega | Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing |
Simrad EM 3000
White Holly | Seamen's Training Center Western United States Inc. |
Dual frequency Deepwater Multibeam echo sounder (MBES)
Yuzhmorgeologiya | AquaGeo Projects Ltd |
Simrad EM12S, EM 3000D
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University of Delaware, College of Marine $amp; Earth Studies Lewes, Delaware 19958 Phone: (302) 645-4225 Email: oceanic (@) cms.udel.edu |